110 Results24 de marzo: Conmemoraciones alrededor de la Verdad, la Memoria y la Justicia
Blog post

Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, ”el derecho a la verdad se invoca a menudo en el contexto de las violaciones manifiestas de los derechos humanos y las infracciones […]
Read more >Abraham Antonio Castro Jarquín
Victim profile

Abraham Antonio Castro Jarquín “I’m staying here …” Murdered in Jinotega on June 8, 2018 Abraham Antonio Castro Jarquín was a happy, easygoing 18-year-old. He was in his second year of high school, liked to play soccer and learned to repair motorcycles in a mechanics shop. When the roadblocks sta... Read more >
Agustín Ezequiel Mendoza Lira
Victim profile

Agustín Ezequiel Mendoza Lira “His dream was to have his own beauty salon one day and work for himself” Murdered on June 14, 2018, in Managua Agustín’s friends remember him as “a great person, friendly, happy, and very respectful.” He worked in the free-trade zone and studied hair styling on Saturdays. ... Read more >
Alejandro Carlos Ochoa Acuña
Victim profile

Alejandro Carlos Ochoa Acuña “He wanted a change, not a government for only a few” Murdered in Jinotepe on July 8, 2018 Griselda del Socorro Acuña Cruz remembers her son Alejandro Carlos as a very loving, smiling, and dynamic young man who liked spending time with his friends. He was a student who had just graduated as a chef. Day... Read more >
Alex Enrique Machado Vásquez (El burrito)
Victim profile

Alex Enrique Machado Vásquez “He wanted to fight for a free Nicaragua for his children” Murdered in León on July 5, 2018 Alex Enrique Machado Vásquez, who was 25 when he was killed, wanted to see a free Nicaragua. His mom, Luisa Emilia, says that he was a good boy who helped her and was committed to her. He also really loved his sister Maylin... Read more >
Alvaro Alberto Gómez Montalbán
Victim profile

Álvaro Alberto Gómez Montalbán “May our young people’s sacrifice never become a hollow slogan” Murdered in Masaya on April 21, 2018 Álvaro Alberto Gómez was from the indigenous neighborhood of Monimbó, Masaya and was studying in the fourth- of a five-year undergraduate degree program in Banking and Finance at the Recinto Universitari... Read more >
Álvaro Manuel Conrado Dávila
Victim profile

Álvaro Manuel Conrado Dávila “It hurts to breathe…” Murdered in Managua on April 20th, 2018 Álvaro Manuel Conrado Dávila was a student at the Loyola High School. He was in the 10th grade and was known for his academic excellence, his demonstrated solidarity towards his classmates, and his participation in sports and cultural activities. He... Read more >
Ángel Ernesto Gahona López
Victim profile

Ángel Ernesto Gahona López “His legacy: he exposed acts that needed to be condemned” Murdered in Bluefields on April 21, 2018 Ángel Ernesto Gahona López was a journalist, and directed the news program El Meridiano, founded nearly a decade ago. Ángel was 42 years old, father of a 4-... Read more >
Bryan Odoniel Picado Blandón
Victim profile

Brayan Odonel Picado Blandón “It feels like I’m going to wake up and I’ll have him here with me” Murdered in Jinotega on July 24, 2018 Brayan would have been 21 on May 23, 2019. He was a baker who did not have any children, but had a very close relationship with his brother. His mom, Mayra Felícita Bland... Read more >
Bryan Yeraldín Murillo López
Victim profile

Bryan Yeraldín Murillo López “I want him to be remembered as a happy person, a fighter” Murdered on July 17, 2019, in León Bryan Yeraldín Murillo López was 23 years old when he was killed. He was the third of four children, and had a relationship with girlfriend Nahomi Téllez since he was young. They had a son together. He was always active, he liked to wo... Read more >
Carlos Manuel Díaz
Victim profile

Carlos Manuel Díaz “He struggled to get by” Murdered in Masaya on May 30, 2018 Carlos Manuel Díaz was 28 years old and worked for a company in the free-trade zone of Nindirí. Prior to that, he had worked for another company in Tisma and years before, he had worked in the market. The thing is, he struggled to get by. “He supported his seve... Read more >
Carlos Manuel López
Victim profile

Carlos Manuel López “Who else? You killed them!” Murdered in Masaya on April 21, 2018 Carlos Manuel López was 42 years old. His wife, Janeira del Socorro López, says he liked to shoot pool and dress nicely, with a cap and tennis shoes. His oldest son, Alberto José López Luna, remembers him as a good father. “We would hang out together… ... Read more >
César Noé Castillo Castillo
Victim profile

César Noé Castillo Castillo “I’m going to march for my rights” Wounded on April 20, 2019; died on May 12 César Noé Castillo lived in the Filemón Rivera neighborhood of Estelí and worked at a cigar factory. He was 42 years old and liked to play soccer. His sister Loyda Isabel remembers him as a ... Read more >
César Oniel López Vega
Victim profile

César Oniel López Vega “He was a person who fought and died for his country” Murdered in Chinandega on June 6, 2018 At 25 years of age, César Oniel López Vega didn’t miss a single game when the Tigres, Chinandega’s baseball team, were playing at home. His cousin, Eveling Lourdes López Vega,... Read more >
Cristhiam Emilio Cadenas
Victim profile

Cristhiam Emilio Cadenas “His dream was to graduate as an engineer” Murdered on April 20, 2018, in León Cristhiam Emilio Cadenas was 23 years old and studied agroecological engineering at the UNAN-León. He was a member of the UNAN University Center (CUUN). He liked soccer and played in the neighborhood league. ... Read more >
Cruz Alberto Obregón López
Victim profile

Cruz Alberto Obregón López “We’re going to build a new Nicaragua with peace and justice” Murdered in Estelí on May 30, 2018 Cruz Alberto Obregón López was born in the community of El Regadío. He was an ambitious 23-year-old university student who was only one semester short of graduating in two majors at two separate universi... Read more >
Cruz Alberto Obregón López
Victim profile

Cruz Alberto Obregón López “We’re going to build a new Nicaragua with peace and justice” Murdered in Estelí on May 30, 2018 Cruz Alberto Obregón López was born in the community of El Regadío. He was an ambitious 23-year-old university student who was only one semester short of graduating in two majors at two separate universi... Read more >
Daniel Josías Reyes Rivera
Victim profile

Daniel Josías Reyes Rivera “This struggle pertains not only to those who take to the streets, but to everyone” Murdered in Managua on May 30, 2018 Daniel Reyes Rivera lived in Ticuantepe, was 25 years old, and was studying his third year of veterinary medicine at the Universidad de Ciencias Com... Read more >
Danny Ezequiel López Morales
Victim profile

Danny Ezequiel López Morales “There are causes it’s worth dying for, but not for which it’s worth killing” Murdered in León on July 5, 2018 Ileana del Socorro Morales León says that her son, Danny Ezequiel López Morales, dreamed of a future for his family. “He shared his pig butchering company with his sisters and brothers,” she says... Read more >
Danny Stanley Rivas
Victim profile

Dany Stanley Rivas “Life should be lived with health, love and education” Wounded in Managua on April 21, 2018; died on April 22 Dany Rivas was a simple and humble 25-year-old who was very caring and committed to his family. He was especially close to his grandfather, whom he called ... Read more >
Darwin Manuel Urbina Urbina
Victim profile

Darwing Manuel Urbina Urbina “He was a good son, a good grandson, attentive and loving” Murdered in Managua on April 19, 2018. He was the first victim at the UPOLI. Darwing Manuel Urbina Urbina was happy and helpful. He was the oldest of four, and a good son and grandson. ... Read more >
Darwin Ramón Potosme José (Comandante Fafo)
Victim profile

Darwin Ramón Potosme José “You’ve got to give your best, without fear” Murdered in Masaya on June 17, 2018 Darwin Potosme was 34 years old, and his nickname was “Fafo”. He was murdered by a sharpshooter in Masaya’s Central Park, a few meters from the police station. His mother, María Andre... Read more >
Dodanim Yared Castilblanco
Victim profile

Dodanim Yared Castilblanco “He opened a road to change” Murdered in Estelí on May 30, 2018 Luis Amado Castilblanco Rodríguez, the father of Dodanim Yared, says his son was studying agro-industrial engineering and had put his knowledge into practice when he built a pasture grass shredder and ovens to dry seeds, smoke cheese and make bread. �... Read more >
Eddy Montes Praslin
Victim profile

Eddy Montes Praslin “The pastor of the political prisoners” Murdered in Managua on May 16, 2019 Eddy Montes Praslin was 57 years old, was a lawyer, and worked in real estate and as a human rights activist. He was the father of three children from his first marriage—two daughters and one son—and had another son with his se... Read more >
Edgard Aristo Montenegro Centeno
Victim profile

Edgard Aristo Montenegro Centeno “For others to live, many of us have to die” Murdered in Honduras on June 27, 2019 Edgard Aristo Montenegro Centeno was very loving to his children and wife. He had three children with his current partner and two with his previous one. His mom, Angela Centeno Herrera, says that he dedicated him... Read more >
Edgard Isaac Guevara Portobanco
Victim profile

Edgard Isaac Guevara Portobanco “I feel as if those young people were my own children” Edgard Isaac Guevara Portobanco Murdered in Managua on May 30, 2018 Edgard Isaac Guevara was the only son among Marta Alicia Portobanco Vallejos’ three children. He was killed on May 30, 2018 at the age of 38 years. He was married and had three daug... Read more >
Edwin Bismarck Gómez Gómez
Victim profile

Edwin Bismarck Gómez Gómez “He struggled until the very end” Wounded in Managua on April 22, 2018. Died on April 25. Edwin Bismarck Gómez Gómez was a 33-year-old construction worker. Born in the municipality of Condega, department of Estelí, he was working in Managua and participated in the civic struggle, supporting the protests of the students from th... Read more >
El derecho a la memoria
Blog post
En esta entrada compartimos algunos extractos de la mesa El derecho a la memoria, en la que participaron Sofía Macher, miembro del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes (GIEI Nicaragua) y […]
Read more >Erick Antonio Jiménez López
Victim profile

Erick Antonio Jiménez López “Reparations would lessen this pain a little” Murdered in Masaya on July 17, 2018 Nelly Grisselda López García was the aunt of Erick Antonio Jiménez López, but she says they were raised as siblings because they were so close in age, and because they were both raised by their grandparents. Their grandfather wa... Read more >
Faber Antonio López Vivas
Victim profile

Faber Antonio López Vivas “If the police didn’t kill my son, why are they hounding me?” Murdered in Jinotepe, July 8, 2018 Faber Antonio López Vivas, the son of Fátima Belarmina Vivas Torres, had joined the police force in 2014. He was assigned to a delegation in El Rama, but was reassigned to the Special Police Operations Division (DOEP) to receive a cours... Read more >
Francisco Javier Reyes Zapata
Victim profile

Francisco Javier Reyes Zapata “I received the flag with his blood” Murdered in Managua on May 30, 2018 “My son, Francisco Javier Reyes Zapata, was 34 years old and he was single. He was the second of my four sons. He didn’t have a job and he helped me sell clothes in Rivas and in Salinas. He was shy, quiet, reserved; but he was loving toward... Read more >
Francisco Luis Blandón Herrera
Victim profile

Francisco Luis Blandón Herrera “A farmer, who loved to work, produce and get ahead” Murdered on August 27, 2019 Francisco Luis Blandón Herrera was a well-known producer in San José del Kilambé, and the respected manager of Wiwilí’s baseball and softball leagues. ... Read more >
Franco Alexander Valdivia Machado
Victim profile

Franco Alexander Valdivia Machado, “Renfan” “Although I lose days of my life, I will keep saying the truth, no matter the cost” Murdered in Estelí on April 20, 2018 His artistic name was “Renfan,” and while his true passion was rap, Franco Valdivia Machado was a multifaceted young man who worked Monday to Friday in a carpentry shop, stu... Read more >
Geovanny Miguel Reyes
Victim profile

Geovanni Miguel Reyes Mena “He was a hero, a man with his whole life ahead of him, and the father of my children” Murdered in Tipitapa on June 2, 2018 Geovanni Miguel Reyes Mena was 28-years-old and he worked as a textile operator in the free-trade zone close to the city of Tipitapa, where he lived with his family. Jennifer de los Ángeles R... Read more >
Gerald Antonio Barrera Villavicencio
Victim profile

Gerald Antonio Barrera Villavicencio “They took away a piece of my heart.” Murdered on July 8, 2018, in Jinotepe Gerald Antonio Barrera Villavicencio was from Jinotepe, Carazo. His mother died when he was only three years old, and his father abandoned him. He and his brother were raised by his aunt Alisseth Barrera Reyes, who was like his real mother. He was ver... Read more >
Gerald José Vásquez López
Victim profile

Gerald José Vásquez López “The Dancer of the Barricades” Murdered in Managua on July 13, 2018 Susana López Gutiérrez, mother of Gerald Vásquez, recalls that her son was 20 years old and was in his third year of studies for an Advanced Technical Degree in Construction at the UNAN. In addition to his university studies, Ge... Read more >
Hammer Jhoel García Salinas
Victim profile

Hammer Jhoel García Salinas “They were students with dreams” Murdered in Tipitapa on April 20, 2018 Hammer Jhoel García Salinas was a 19-year-old university student. He had begun studying computer engineering at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua but he dropped out to study electro... Read more >
Harlington Raúl López García
Victim profile

Harlinton Raúl López García “He often said he would die before his mother” Murdered on April 20, 2018, in Managua Harlinton Raúl López García was originally from Siuna and had arrived in Managua one year earlier in search of better economic opportunities. ... Read more >
Humberto Antonio Parrales
Victim profile

Humberto Antonio Parrales Reyes “I want him to be remembered as a hero” Murdered in Managua on May 16, 2018 Iris Magalis Lagos González, Humberto Antonio Parrales Reyes’s wife, recalls that they got along well and had a lovely relationship. They were married in the Ríos de Agua Viva Church, where the whole f... Read more >
Ismael Isaías Pérez Martínez
Victim profile

Ismael Isaías Pérez Martínez “My son was full of life; he was 24 and had his whole future ahead of him” Murdered in Managua on April 21, 2018 Ismael Isaías Pérez Martínez died on April 21, 2018, at 24 years of age. His sister, Migdalia Elizabeth Pérez Martínez, remembers him as a happy, friendly young man. “He was a positive pers... Read more >
Ismael Josué Pérez Vílchez
Victim profile

Ismael Josué Pérez Vílchez “I do not want money, I want justice” Murdered in Managua on April 22, 2018 Ismael Josué Pérez Vílchez was 32 years old and was a construction worker. He worked installing gypsum roofs in hotels and projects outside of Managua. Sometimes he would be out working in the provinces for up to 15 days. He lived with hi... Read more >
Jarod Daniel Ramírez Cerda
Victim profile

Jarod Daniel Ramírez Cerda “He had a lot of dreams. He wanted to make something of his life” Murdered on June 21, 2018, in Managua Jarod Ramírez Cerda was in his second year studying communications and public relations at the American University, and he wanted to study odontology. ... Read more >
Javier Alexander Munguía Mendoza
Victim profile

Javier Alexander Munguía Mendoza “My son was not a criminal” Murdered in Managua after disappearing on May 8, 2018 Margarita Azucena Mendoza does not know the exact date of her son’s death. She does know that Javier Alexander Munguía Mendoza, 19 years of age, had disappeared on May 8, 2018 near Las Américas Mall and that he was found dead 10 days later in the morgu... Read more >
Jeisson Antonio Chavarría Urbina
Victim profile

Jeisson Antonio Chavarría Urbina “His legacy is overcoming fear and fighting for justice” Murdered in Ticuantepe on April 21, 2018 Cela Nereyda Urbina Membreño remembers that her son Jeisson Antonio Chavarría Urbina had plans for the future: he wanted to study English, to continue his education and to start a ... Read more >
Jessner Josué Rivas
Victim profile

Jessner Josué Rivas “We are prisoners in Nicaragua” Murdered in Managua on April 22, 2018 Jessner Josué Rivas was 16 years old and lived in the home of his grandmother, Maritza Yamileth Rueda Sáenz. He went to primary school in the Japón School and helped his grandmother with the little family store. Sometimes, when there was some mechani... Read more >
Jesson Ricardo Potoy
Victim profile

Jeisson Ricardo Potoy “I felt like my life was over. He was my boy” Murdered in Masaya on June 3, 2018 Jeisson Ricardo Potoy was from Monimbó and worked shining shoes. His mother, María Melania Potoy Vivas, says he was a happy boy who helped her a lot. “He shined shoes, and in May he brought me three new pairs of shoes. He lived with a gir... Read more >
Jhonson Tony Merlo Sevilla
Victim profile

Johnson “Tony” Merlo Sevilla “No forgiveness, no forgetting” Murdered in Managua on June 23, 2018 Johnson Tonatyu Merlo Sevilla was shot dead when he was manning one of the barricades located on the road from the Iván Montenegro Market, in the 8 de Marzo Neighborhood of Managua. Yanilda del Carmen Sevilla, his mother, cannot forget t... Read more >
Jonathan Eduardo Morazán Meza
Victim profile

Jonathan Eduardo Morazán Meza “They shot to kill” Wounded in Managua on May 30. Died on June 1. Jonathan Morazán Meza was 21 years old and lived with his mother and his younger brother, Kevin, taking care of and protecting him. Since his parents had separated, he felt responsible for the family. He was studying Graphic Design at the Universida... Read more >
Jorge René Zepeda Carrión (Comandante Chabelo)
Victim profile

Jorge René Zepeda Carrión, “comandante Chabelo” “He was always smiling” Murdered in Masaya on June 6, 2018 Carolina Isabel Carrión García describes her son, Jorge René Zepeda Carrión, as “a friendly and helpful boy, who always had a smile on his face.” At home, he did everything. He was a mechanic, he fixed bicycles, he learned to ... Read more >
José Bismarck Martínez
Victim profile

José Bismarck Martínez “He didn’t want his children living under a repressive regime” Wounded in Masaya on June 19. Died on September 16. María Graciela Pérez Ruiz affirms that her husband, José Bismarck Martínez, was a responsible father, concerned about his children, who tried to provide them with all they needed. He was a shoemaker and was always work... Read more >
José Eduardo Trujillo Vanegas
Victim profile

JOSÉ EDUARDO TRUJILLO VANEGAS “The homeland is the homeland; we are from the death” Killed in Managua on June 24, 2018 Native from the municipality of Tipitapa, driver of a “Caponera” (auto-rickshaw), he was known for always being smiling, cheerful, joking, helpful, popular in his neighborhood, lover of reggae music; he liked to dress well and to buy caps. Killed by receiving two bu... Read more >
José Francisco García Sobalbarro
Victim profile

José Francisco García Sobalvarro “He wanted to see a generation free from dictatorship” Murdered in Honduras on July 13, 2019 José Francisco García Sobalvarro was 56 years old. He was a crop and livestock farmer who had belonged to the Nicaraguan Resistance, known as the “Contras.” His son, Adonis García Rivera, says that “his dream h... Read more >
José Leonel Casco Berrios
Victim profile

José Leonel Casco Berríos “He wanted a better Nicaragua, with equal opportunities” Murdered in Chinandeg... Read more >
José Manuel Narváez Campos (Chemita)
Victim profile

José Manuel Narváez Campos, “Chema” “A very popular, kind, hard-working boy” Murdered in Jinotepe July 8, 2018 José Manuel Narváez Campos was 22 years old. His mother, Eva Ruth Campos, says everyone in Jinotepe knew him as Chema. Isabel Cristina Narváez Grijalva, his aunt, remembers him as a popular, kind and helpful boy. He ... Read more >
Josué Israel Mojica Velázquez
Victim profile

Josué Israel Mojica Velázquez “He went to the marches joyfully and never left his flag behind” Murdered in Diriamba on July 8, 2018 Josué Israel Mojica Velázquez was small and thin. He was studying at the La Salle high school. His mother, Elizabeth Velázquez, says his passion was soccer. “He played field soccer and living room s... Read more >
Juan Alejandro Zepeda Ortiz
Victim profile

Juan Alejandro Zepeda Ortiz “His future was to be a doctor; they killed his dreams” Wounded in Chinandega on May 30, 2018. Died May 31 María Elena Zepeda explains how her 18-year-old son, Juan Alejandro Zepeda, was in his last year of high school at the Polytechnic Institute in Chinandega. He liked to study and got good gra... Read more >
Juan Carlos López Martínez
Victim profile

Juan Carlos López Martínez “He wanted his own cell phone shop” Murdered on April 20, 2018, in Managua Juan Carlos was 24 years old, and he worked repairing cell phones. His main hobby was getting tattoos. He wanted to have his own cell phone shop. ... Read more >
Junior Alexander Rojas
Victim profile

Junior Alexander Rojas “I want his friends to remember him with love” Murdered on July 5, 2018, in León Junior Alexander Rojas was 21 years old and his nickname was “Pío.” He was youngest child of doña Aura Marina Rojas, who was both his mother and father. ... Read more >
Junior Steven Gaitán López (El Pollito)
Victim profile

Junior Steven Gaitán López “Hey man, don’t kill me, I don’t have anything…” Murdered in Masaya on June 2, 2018 Junior Gaitán López was a mischievous boy, happy and very active. He was 15 years old and was known as “Pollito” (little chicken) ever since he was little. He was in his first year of high school at the Insti... Read more >
Kevin Roberto Dávila López
Victim profile

Kevin Roberto Dávila López “We want true justice, justice with liberty” Wounded on April 21st, died on May 6th, 2018 Kevin Roberto Dávila López was 23 years old. He was a simple person with a good heart. He was part of a tight-knit family with strong values. He loved animals and he was enrolled at the veterinary school at the Central University of N... Read more >
Léster Adán Vindel Picado
Victim profile

Lester Adán Vindel Picado “He went to the protests to bring people supplies” Murdered in Managua, April 21, 2018 Lester Adán Vindel Picado worked as a retail merchant. He was a cyclist and took part in different activities organized by the cycling community. After he was murdered, Nicaraguan cyclists organized an activity to share a message of peace and peace... Read more >
Leytin Ezequiel Chavarría Pérez
Victim profile

Leyting Ezequiel Chavarría Pérez “I’m blue and white! Long live free Nicaragua!” Murdered in Jinotega on July 24, 2018 Leyting Ezequiel Chavarría Pérez was a 16-year-old high-school student. He had a good relationship with his siblings and his mom, Mirtha Ibelis Pérez. He saw his mom more like a girl of his own age than his mother and eve... Read more >
Luis Ramón Cruz Alvarado
Victim profile

Luis Ramón Cruz Alvarado “He struggled with all his heart for Nicaragua!” Murdered in Chinandega on May 23, 2... Read more >
Manuel Salvador López Romero
Victim profile

Manuel Salvador López Romero “Those who died in April 2018 deserve respect, and a museum to honor them” Murdered in Masaya on June 21, 2018 Gema Concepción González, the partner of Manual Salvador López Romero, recalls how they lived together happily for seven years. During that time, they had a son. “Manuel was an excel... Read more >
Marcelo de Jesús Mayorga López
Victim profile

Marcelo Mayorga, the slingshot man “He died seeking freedom for Nicaragua” Murdered in Masaya on June 19, 2018 Marcelo de Jesús Mayorga, who lived in the San Carlos neighborhood of Masaya, was 40 years old and was devoted to San Jerónimo. He was actively involved in religious celebrations, and helped carry the Saint in processions.... Read more >
Marcos Antonio Padilla Díaz
Victim profile

Marcos Antonio Padilla Díaz “He was only carrying a slingshot and some marbles” Murdered in Chinandega on Jun... Read more >
Marcos Antonio Samorio Anderson
Victim profile

Marcos Antonio Samorio Anderson “He was in the wrong place” Murdered in Managua on April 21st, 2018 Marco Antonio Samorio Anderson was almost 30 years old when he was murdered near El Zumen. He was a worker of the Sacos del Campo Company, and on April 21st he was heading home after work. Tomás Francisco Samorio Torres, Marco Antonio’s ... Read more >
Mario Antonio Martínez Peralta
Victim profile

Mario Antonio Martínez Peralta “We moms aren’t alone. We’re united by the same pain.” Murdered in León on July 6, 2018 Mario Antonio Martínez Peralta’s aunt, Fanny Mercedes Hernández, describes him as a very intelligent boy, an 18-year-old who knew how to solder, plaster, and do carpentry and electrical work. “He made sidewalks, tile... Read more >
Marlon José Orozco Largaespada
Victim profile

Marlon José Orozco Largaespada “We were all angry and couldn’t understand why they had killed him” Murdered on May 24, 2018, in Managua Marlon José Orozco was from Managua. He lived in Villa Libertad and was married to Francis Indiana Mejía. His three children, Jeffrey, Sahid and Vicky, were all high school graduates, something which gave him great pride.... Read more >
Marlon Manases Martínez Ramírez
Victim profile

Marlon Manases Martínez Ramírez “They were courageous young people who made people open their eyes in the face of injustice” Murdered in Managua on April 20th Marlon Manases was 20 years old and he was murdered inside the Engineering University where he was barricaded. He was a young man who was a jokester and very social. He grew up in a large, clo... Read more >
Marvin de los Santos López
Victim profile

Marvin de los Santos López “It’s been hard to accept that he is dead. We want justice” Murdered in Masaya on June 19, 2018 Marvin de los Santos López was 48 years old. He was an agronomical engineer. Unemployed, he began working as a taxi driver. He was happy, concerned about others, had a lot of charisma, and peopl... Read more >
Matt Andrés Romero
Victim profile

Matt Andrés Romero “We are not afraid, they have already taken a piece of our family” Murdered in Managua on September 23rd, 2018 The student Matt Romero was assassinated on Sept. 23rd, 2018, at the last blue and white protest in Managua before the police forbade all independent social protests, which is an unconstitutional action. Matt’s... Read more >
Maycol Cipriano González Hernández
Victim profile

Maycol Cipriano González Hernández “When justice has been done, our hearts will be at peace” Murdered in Managua on May 30, 2018 Maycol Cipriano González was 33 years old and the eldest of Paula Hernández’s seven children. Maycol’s mother recounts that he was pleasant and outgoing and entertained his many friends by telling them stories.... Read more >
Michael Humberto Cruz Sánchez
Victim profile

Michael Humberto Cruz Sánchez “He went out to fight for justice!” Murdered in Managua on April 20th, 2018 Michael Humberto Cruz Sánchez grew up in the heart of a large family. He was raised by his grandparents who were like his parents, and with his aunts, who taught him how to walk, talk, read and write. When he died he wa... Read more >
Moroni Jacob López García
Victim profile

Moroni Jacob López García “Not one step backward mother. If you made your decision, there is no turning back, keep moving forward.” Murdered on April 20, 2018 in Managua Moroni’s family describes him as an intelligent person with a passion for study. He graduated with honors from the Fé y Alegria School in Ciudad Sandino and entered medical scho... Read more >
Museo de la Memoria contra la Impunidad de Nicaragua reactiva su itinerancia en Europa
Blog post
La primera exposición se llevará a cabo en Sant Boi, Barcelona y es coorganizada con la Asociación de Amistad San Miguelito-Sant Boi en el marco de la conmemoración de sus […]
Read more >Noel Ramón Calderón Lagos
Victim profile

Noel Ramón Calderón Lagos “His legacy is that young people will be able to grow up without being killed” Murdered in Managua on May 16th, 2018 Noel Ramón Calderón Lagos was 19 years old. He was in his second year at the Diriangén high school and he worked some days at the bottling company. He was a strong-willed, introverted boy, but ... Read more >
Oliver José Montenegro Centeno
Victim profile

Oliver José Montenegro Centeno “An honest and hard-working man” Murdered in Jinotega on January 23, 2019 Oliver Montenegro Centeno was nearly 44 when he was murdered on January 23, 2019. He was a farmer who had eight children (three sons and five daughters) that he was very affectionate and committed to, according to his mother, Ángela Centeno... Read more >
Orlando Daniel Aguirre Córdoba
Victim profile

Orlando Daniel Aguirre Córdoba “His solidarity with the mothers cost him his life” Murdered in Managua on May 30, 2018 Yadira del Socorro Córdoba Obando had four children and Orlando was the youngest. He was 15 years old. “He was a happy, enthusiastic child who was always smiling. He did not like to see his family sad. He always reflected ha... Read more >
Orlando Francisco Pérez Corrales
Victim profile

Orlando Francisco Pérez Corrales “He can no longer shout ‘goal!’; his death remains unpunished” Murdered in Estelí on April 20, 2018 Orlando Pérez Corrales was in his final year of university studies in renewable energy engineering. His sister says he already had a job lined up at the Montelimar Sugar Refinery and was thinking of buying... Read more >
Oscar Noel Herrera Blandón
Victim profile

Oscar Noel Herrera Blandón “To live in a free country, without hypocrisy, without spilled blood” Murdered in Jinotega on October 7, 2018 Oscar Noel Herrera Blandón, known as Noel, was 42 years old when he was murdered. He had seven children, one of whom, Russel Jacob Herrera Osorio, says that they had a lovely relationship as his father was al... Read more >
Rayneia Gabrielle da Costa Lima
Victim profile

Rayneia Gabrielle da Costa Lima “Loving, studious, with a great sensitivity for the needy and most vulnerable” Murdered in Managua, July 23, 2018 Rayneia Gabrielle da Costa Lima came from Brazil in 2013 to study medicine at the American University (UAM) in Nicaragua. In the words of her mother, María José da Costa, Rayneia was always loving and studious since ... Read more >
Richard Eduardo Pavón Bermúdez
Victim profile

Richard Eduardo Pavón Bermúdez “He left us the love of his friends, who loved him so much” Murdered in Tipitapa on April 19, 2018 Richard Pavón Bermúdez was in his fifth year at Gaspar Garcia Laviana high school in Tipitapa. He was 17 years old and very excited to turn 18, so he could work, although he ... Read more >