Manuel Salvador López Romero
Around 2:00 in the afternoon on June 21, 2018, Manuel Salvador López Romero was near the barricade that protesters had erected near MEBASA, on the Las Flores-Catarina highway, which was attacked by armed paramilitaries and pro-government groups. López was hit by a bullet on the left side of his body, which perforated his stomach.
He was taken to the hospital, where he was accompanied by a sister. At a certain moment when he was alone, he was taken in for surgery without authorization by his family. He died there. Two weeks earlier, López Romero had been wounded in the leg by a gunshot, when he was in the area near the San Miguel Church in Monimbó.
que se haga justicia y que los responsables paguen por sus crímenes. Que los asesinos que rodean a Daniel y a la Chayo acepten que ellos fueron los asesinos del pueblo. Los asesinos no tienen perdón de Dios. Ellos se podrán reír de uno, pero nadie escapa de la justicia divina. De esa no se podrán reír”