Juan Carlos López Martínez
The shot had come from a motorcycle driving down the street. According to information that was obtained, the driver was wearing a security uniform from the Municipal Government, and a policeman riding on the back is the one who shot the gun.
People nearby first moved him to the Ciudad Sandino Hospital, and later, after being denied entry, they took him to the local branch of the Monte España Hospital. He was dead on arrival. To be able to collect his body, his relatives had to sign a statement indicating they would not take any legal action. They stated that they did not want to send the body to the Forensic Examiner’s and absolved the police from District 10 of any responsibility.
There were confrontations between the police and protesters in Ciudad Sandino on April 20, 2018. That is where Juan Carlos López Martínez At 8:10 p.m., when he was on his way home, he was near a food stand and was hit by a bullet in his chest.