José Manuel Narváez Campos (Chemita)

When the police and paramilitaries moved into Jinotepe to pull down the roadblocks and barricades, José Manuel Campos was on his motorcycle in the company of his cousin. When the attackers intercepted them, the cousin managed to flee. Not so Chema, who had hurt his foot and couldn’t climb over a nearby garden wall to get away. The paramilitaries shot him head on, perforating his right lung. As happened with other people who were killed, they threw his body into a Municipal Government truck that was carting away rubble so he was buried under a lot of rocks and paving stones.

“Veía que venía un mar de gente y que los muchachos se estaban desplegando. Alguien pasó por mi casa y desde la calle me gritó que a mi hijo lo habían matado…”