Geovanny Miguel Reyes
Between 6 and 6:30pm on June 2nd, 2018, Geovanni Miguel Reyes was walking with some friends towards the exit of Tipitapa, past the Gaspar García Laviana School—today known as the Salomón Ibarra Mayorga—located in the Oronte Centeno neighborhood where protesters had built a roadblock. Three white Hilux pickup trucks filled with paramilitaries arrived. The people at the roadblock yelled out, “Run!” but Geovanni’s sandal broke, so he was unable to escape from the area quickly. As he turned and looked behind him, a paramilitary said, “You got here, but this is it,” and shot him in the forehead. A friend of Geovanni’s, Franklin, tried to help him but he was also then shot in the head.
Al lugar llegaron tres camionetas Hilux color blanco en las que se movilizaban paramilitares. Los del tranque gritaron “¡corran!”, pero a Geovanni se le reventó la chinela y eso le impidió salir rápidamente del lugar. Al mirar hacia atrás un paramilitar le dijo “hasta aquí llegaste” y le disparó en la frente. Un amigo del joven, identificado como Franklin, intentó levantarlo del suelo pero él también recibió un disparo en la cabeza
Al mirar hacia atrás un paramilitar le dijo “hasta aquí llegaste” y le disparó en la frente.