Carlos Manuel Díaz
On May 30, 2018, around 9:30 p.m., Carlos Manuel Díaz left the area near Masaya’s Central Park, which had been under attack for two hours by paramilitaries and the police in an armed offensive that ended at midnight. The demonstrators had retreated. At 10:30 p.m., Diaz was in front of the Public Prosecutor’s office when he was wounded by a gunshot to his upper left chest. The demonstrators took him to the medical post at the Little Plaza of Monimbó in an ambulance, but he died shortly after arriving.
“Se hicieron las 10 de la noche y Carlos Manuel no aparece. Al rato escuchamos unos balazos. Ya estaba acostada cuando llega una sobrina a decirme que le habían disparado... Salgo en carrera para la Placita porque ahí tenían un puesto médico. Supe que se lo llevaron en la ambulancia, pero falleció pocos minutos después de llegar. Tenía un disparo en la tetilla izquierda”