Humberto Antonio Parrales

On May 15th at around 9:30pm Humberto Parrales Reyes and his wife Iris Magalis went to the UPOLI. At 11:30pm, Humberto, his stepson Noel Ramón and his nephew Hansell went to a pharmacy on a motorcycle, and didn’t notice that a Hilux pickup truck and a white taxi were following them. As they returned to the UPOLI after purchasing the medicines, they were intercepted by the driver of the taxi, who then called out to a group of paramilitaries. Hansell was able to escape but Humberto and Noel Ramón were shot. According to the testimony of one doctor who prepared Parrales Reyes’s body, the man died within the first minutes of May 16th as a result of a gunshot that perforated his lung. He also had a dislocated pelvis and signs of torture on his face and body.

“Quiero que lo recuerden como un héroe, porque dio su vida por Nicaragua, para que fuéramos libres de tantos crímenes, de tanta impunidad. Estábamos ciegos y no habíamos visto tantas cosas que estaban pasando. Que se haga justicia por cada uno de los que han muerto, porque a cada madre, a cada familiar le han dejado un vacío en el corazón, un vacío en la mesa. Fregaron los sueños de nuestros hijos y también a nosotros como familia nos dañaron. Nada podrá ser igual. Siempre los voy a tener en mi corazón”

Iris Magalis (Esposa)